changing or evolving?

In life, there's change and then there's evolving. Women are always talking about change, but I like to get you to think in terms of evolving. Change can sometimes feel like window dressing - it sits on the exterior of life rather than expands how you experience it. To evolve is to deepen your life experience. Change can be drastic and a struggle. Evolving is integrative and pleasing. Change is unanchored, and therefore often short lived. Evolving is embodied in the body, mind, and spirit as a whole, as your identity. Once you have it, you enjoy it for life.

Wellbeing coaching is for the woman who wants to evolve the whole of her life experience so that achieving a goal becomes embodied in her true identity.

what is wellbeing?

Wellbeing  is one of those terms that is hard to define in a few words. It is a holistic measure of the quality of life, yet it encompasses so many factors, can wax in one area and wane in another, and is unique to every individual. One thing’s certain. . .

Women they tend to understand wellbeing best when they don’t have it.

You might think of wellbeing as a measure of how you think and feel about you life, such as the quality of your relationships, your positive emotions and resilience, the realization of your potential, or your overall satisfaction with life. If you stepped on a wellbeing scale, it would measure life satisfaction in global judgments and feelings ranging from depression to joy.

Two things

Two conditions need to be met to have wellbeing. First, you feel content, energized, connected, and balanced in all areas of your life - health, relationships, spirituality, intellectual and personal growth, financial security. Second - - and this is critical because nobody is 100% well in all areas all of the time - you are able to put the bad days and bad experiences into perspective and live with a sense of purpose.

When you have wellbeing, you have:

  • A sense of vitality and ‘get-up-and-go’ (physical health)

  • A positive approach to life and an ability to bounce back when things go wrong (mental resiliency)

  • A sense of direction, and choosing activities that give you a feeling of fulfillment and independence (work, recreation)

  • Good social connections with other people (relationships)

  • Taking notice of the world around you, embrace new experiences and take opportunities to learn (personal development)

What influences wellbeing?

Your wellbeing is influenced by a number of factors including genes, experiences and environments (work, financial situation and where you live). Moreover, it is influenced by the actions you take and the way you think about yourself in those actions. Some influences include:

  • An enjoyable and fulfilling career

  • Adequate money

  • Regular exercise

  • A balanced diet

  • Sufficient sleep

  • Intimate relationship with a partner

  • Network of close friends

  • A sense of belonging

  • Ability to adapt to change

  • Safe physical environments

  • A sense of purpose and meaning


Hello. I'm Heidi.

As a wellbeing coach, I stand with women in midlife who are ready to revive their wellbeing. I help them bring health, resiliency, and joy back into the life they've spent working hard and caring for others. So often, these unstoppable women come skidding into their 40s, look at the X beneath their feet, and realize this isn't where they meant to be. This is not yet the life they intended. Their original spirit has been dulled by duty, and somewhere along the line, the body and mind joined in. I was one of those women. I fiercely followed "the good rules" for 52 years, when profound change tipped my life on end and everything came spilling out. . . including the future I had envisioned.

I set out on a long trail to discover what my spirit had been longing for while it had been following the rules all those years: Deep life that feasts on beautiful work, inspiring people, a natural body, energetic health, and the spirituality that connects it all. This is the beauty and vitality I crave. This is the wellbeing that would revive my spirit. So I set out to break the rules and make some of my own. I'd love to tell you how.

What brings you joy? What makes you well? How can we work together as you take on the changes that awaken you?

I'd love to hear your story too. contact me for a free wellbeing assessment.

What is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”
— Mary Oliver